
Let’s talk about facility options and cost

PRRD hosting workshops in April to discuss ways to balance amenity priorities and cost for future North Peace Leisure Facility

A new multi-use aquatics and recreational facility is being considered to replace the existing North Peace Leisure Pool. Using input shared by our communities, we created several options for a new facility and developed cost estimates. We would like to discuss these options with residents in the four partner jurisdictions: Peace River Regional District (PRRD) Areas B and C, Fort St. John and Taylor.

Each option includes a mix of different amenities and the estimated project costs range from $136 million to $284 million. These costs were higher than anticipated, and we’re concerned about the impact on taxpayers.

We are inviting residents in the partner jurisdictions to participate in upcoming two-hour workshops to work with us to help find the right balance between cost and preferred amenities at a new facility.


Get Involved

Register for Workshops

To make it more convenient for residents, we’re holding in-person workshops in each of the partner jurisdictions and two virtual workshops via zoom.

You’re welcome to register for the workshop that works best for your schedule, regardless of location. For more information about the project, estimated costs and workshop schedule, visit haveyoursay.prrd.bc.ca/nplf.

To register for a workshop, visit prrd.eventbrite.com.

What We Heard


District of Taylor

Kevin Clarkson, General Manager of Community Services for PRRD
Phone: 250-784-3200
Email: kevin.clarkson@prrd.bc.ca


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